Monday, August 3, 2009

iPod touch

So for my bday my parents got me a referbishd iPod, and I love it. Actually using it right now to write this blog post. It's a bit harder to type then a keyboard, but I think I can get used to it. I feel I'm
Making good time
Yeah... So I've got we cool apps on here like connect four and tictactoe and tweetdeck, follow me on twitted by the way, It's what the cool kids do
If you have any app suggestions for me leave me comments

Funny story: last night I was checking out new apps at like 11:30 when I found on about drinking 8 glasses or water a day so I got it for the fun of it. I then relized that I had like 25 mins or so to complete the task of drinking 64 oz of water, so I ran down the stairs and found a cup
Marked with 7oz. (I would have to drink 9+ 1/7 of these cups). So the challenge began. I'm not gunna lie, I felt sick after 3 but I treked on, my siblings watching. After the 7th one I had to quit, I honestly felt like I was gunna chuck. So I called it quits at 49 oz. MAybe one day I'll complete the task of 64 oz of water in one sitting, but for now I'm not gunna try

The end

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