Saturday, October 17, 2009


Hmmm.... When I think about ninjas, I think about some kickarse guys in black suits. Yeah, I love the ninja turtles, but they arnt the same thing. Anyway. When people debate the whole pirate vs. Ninja thing they rather think pirate or ninja. In my opinion, the pro pirate people are fools. Have they ever seen the ninja from ? He tells how ninjas can fit in gum packets and their suits are dyed by the blood from the heart of a dragon. I mean, how the hang could a drunken scurvey ridden seadog be better then a ninja. Fools I tell you. I'm not sorry if you are pro-pirate, but you are estupido.

Funny thing about ninjas in films, and this can be applied to all films featuring ninjas.
The sum of the abilitys of the ninjas is equal to the abilities of a ninja by themself.
You have 50 ninjas they are weak, but a single ninja can defeat all of the heroes single handedly.

My freind Bruce Manning is a cool guy. He showed me many great an wonderous things like doctor horrible and firefly. We agree on most things. But he is pro pirate, and that is rediculas.

Poll in the sidebar. Pirate or ninja?

1 comment:

  1. I thought Bruce was a smart kid. Maybe pirates have finally figured out how to brainwash people.

    You ever read the askaninjaninja's ninja handbook?
