Wednesday, January 27, 2010


There is alot of cool things in this world. Like ninja turtles and pokemon. Yes, I still like pokemon. I am a 17 year old pokemon nerd. And I love it. At the PA regional conferance in December, there was a table full of Asian males all with thier DSes battleing and whatnot. And I am contemplating wheather to go over or not, and a Middle eastern kid comes over and says "I wouldn't go over there if I were you, they'll kick you arse". I was like "Okaaayy". "they're real good at pokemon". I then went over to talk to them.
Our conversation was really short actually, it consited of me admitting to my love of the games and them telling me that "it's not cool when a white kid likes pokemon". I was really offended by that racial term. White kid! Ouch! So I responded causually, in referance to who would play pokemon at my school, "we don't have any Asian kids at my school, we have black, white, and Mexican, the farthest east we have is a pakastienian kid". They all laughed and then begain to ignore me again. So I walked away and was once again confronted by that middle eastern kid. He said to me he said "those kids are good, I had a Zapdos, and they kicked my arse". It was a great experiance

right now I'm playing pokemon diamond, it's a great game, although I'm at a standstill, due to the fact that I have to win a pokemon contest to face the gym leader. And to do that I have to make some kinda poke'block type thing, I can't remember what it's called in this game. But anyway you have to do that to enhance your appeal or something. It's really lame. But once I beat that I'll be free and clear.

My favorite pokemon in all the games in kadabra. I have had him from blue on up and he is always my best pokemon. Right now he's about 7 levels above my starter pokemon. Right now he knows a move called... Psycho cut, it has a power of 70, and it is boss.
And that's all I have to say about that, have a great day

1 comment:

  1. FRITZ!! I love dem pokemons too! And I think that this is normal for a teenage nerd, since I sat with a whole tablefull of non-Asian ones last year at TCHS. Epic pokemon tournament. And my gardevoir would totally pwn your kadabra. THUNDERSHOCK! LOLWUT?
